Session March 11: Slides available

The session of march 11 on the Church-Turing thesis was a great meeting full of discussion. Thanks to the speakers and the participants!

The slides of that session are now available here:

Patrice Pissavin (Paris 1),Do the epistemological requirements which may be associated with the use of the Turing machine authorize going beyond the Church-Turing thesis?

Martin Schüle (ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management), Deep learning, computationalism and the Church-Turing thesis

Oron Shagrir (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), The Church Turing theses



OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Liesbeth De Mol (22 mars 2021). Session March 11: Slides available. Histoire et Philosophie de l'informatique. Consulté le 14 janvier 2025 à l’adresse