Session May 27 2021

It is our pleasure to announce the next session of the séminaire “Histoire et Philosophie de l’Informatique et du calcul” on thursday 27 May, 9h30-13h30.

In view of the pandemic this will be a virtual session, If you would like to attend, please contact Liesbeth De Mol

The theme of this session is:

 “Computation in the sciences/the science of computation”

Titles and abstracts can be found here.

Arianna Borrelli (Centre for Advanced Study on Media Cultures of Computer Simulations, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany), Code, drawings and causality: early computer-aided data analysis in high energy physics

David Nofre, (independent scholar), “Content is meaningless, and structure is all important”: The making of computer science in the age of high modernism

Sébastien Plutniak (Centre Émile Durkheim, Bordeaux and TRACES Laboratory, Toulouse, France), Three models to shape the relationships between computer scientists and domain specialists: a case study from archaeology in France, 1950s–2000s

Franck Varenne (Université de Rouen/IHPST), On some influences of programming paradigms on modeling practices in science – The case of Object-Oriented Programming in social sciences